Episode One: Silent Night, Holy Night
Scene: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10

Later that night, the trio walked across campus, clad in their heavy winter cloaks, towards the Basilica. Christmas mass awaited them. In those moments, the might of the future of the Church was on display – A thousand baptized trainees, on their way to become the workers of miracles, the defenders of civilization, along with their esteemed teachers, dozens upon dozens of Angels, and honored clergy, all marching together to receive tonight's dose of theological wisdom and comfort. The choirs would sing, commands would be obeyed, and despite the fallen state of the world, despite the innumerable sins of mankind staining the Earth that was given to them nearly beyond repair, those thousand, their educators and keepers, and the thousand thousands more in the Empire of the True Church, would feel comfort and safety.

The Christ had saved them from the first sin.

But it was up to the True Church, and its holy servants, to save man from all that followed.